Sunday, July 19, 2009

Nudge - Misc Links

See my review of the book here.

Political leaders line up to learn new art of persuasion - Times Online

The serious point about Nudge: Improving Decisions about Health, Wealth, and Happiness, is that it is written by two very serious people. Thaler, professor of behavioral science and economics at the University of Chicago, and Sunstein, professor of jurisprudence at the university’s highly regarded law school, are top-ranking academics. (July 6, 2008)
When Humans Need a Nudge Toward Rationality -
Nudging derives from research by Daniel Kahneman, a Nobel laureate in economics; by Mr. Kahneman’s late colleague, Amos Tversky; and by Mr. Thaler and others over several decades. Mr. Kahneman, a psychologist, gives Mr. Thaler considerable credit for the birth of behavioral economics. (Published: February 7, 2009 )

Nudge - Richard H. Thaler - Penguin Group (USA)
Book page on the Penguin Books India site

Richard Thaler at a talk at Google. This event took place on May 29, 2008, as a part of the Authors@Google series.

The book site -

The book blog -

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