F in Exams: The Very Best Totally Wrong Test Answers, by Richard Benson

If not for the price, I would have been a little disappointed.
(Amazon Paperback, Kindle, my review on Amazon)
Don't get me wrong. This a an entertaining book. It's full of answers, intentional and unintentional, that students gave in exams, when they did not know the correct answers. It's just that the book is short. On my Kindle app for Android, I read it in less than an hour, with time to go back and re-read some of the funnier answers. There is perhaps a fine line between funny and repetitive, as the answers may get if you put too many of them, but I would surely have been disappointed had I paid list price, or even half-price, for the book. I paid $0.99 for the book, so I am certainly not complaining about the price. No sir.
The book is divided into seven topics: Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Math, Business & Technology, Psychology, and History & Geography.
Here are some of the answers and images from the book.
This is the math lesson I missed in school. About dots and lines and how to convert one to the other.
When learning division, you just need to get to the root of the problem.
To be or not to be, that is probably the problem.
Remembering to forget is, easy.
6. Young at heart, is the river.
7. Need I say more?
Kindle Excerpt:
© 2012, Abhinav Agarwal. All rights reserved.

If not for the price, I would have been a little disappointed.
(Amazon Paperback, Kindle, my review on Amazon)
Don't get me wrong. This a an entertaining book. It's full of answers, intentional and unintentional, that students gave in exams, when they did not know the correct answers. It's just that the book is short. On my Kindle app for Android, I read it in less than an hour, with time to go back and re-read some of the funnier answers. There is perhaps a fine line between funny and repetitive, as the answers may get if you put too many of them, but I would surely have been disappointed had I paid list price, or even half-price, for the book. I paid $0.99 for the book, so I am certainly not complaining about the price. No sir.
The book is divided into seven topics: Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Math, Business & Technology, Psychology, and History & Geography.
Here are some of the answers and images from the book.
Give the names of two gases that might contribute to global warming. |
This is the math lesson I missed in school. About dots and lines and how to convert one to the other.
Change 7/8 to a decimal. |
When learning division, you just need to get to the root of the problem.
Simplify the following equation |
To be or not to be, that is probably the problem.
What is conditional probability |
Remembering to forget is, easy.
Describe what is meant by "forgetting" |
6. Young at heart, is the river.
Name the smaller rivers that run into the Nile |
7. Need I say more?
In Pride and Prejudice, at what moment does Elizabeth Bennet realize her true feelings for Mr Darcy. |
Kindle Excerpt:
© 2012, Abhinav Agarwal. All rights reserved.