The Litigators, by John Grisham - my review
A Return to Form of Sorts for Grisham

(my review on Amazon, buy from Amazon, Kindle, Flipkart, Infibeam)
After a long time John Grisham returns to writing a decent legal novel. Thriller it is not, enjoyable it is.
David Zinc is a bright, young, and burned-out attorney, working with a large firm that employs thousands of bright and young attorneys like him. David has a meltdown one fine morning, and spends the rest of the day, and afternoon, and evening at a downtown pub, drinking himself beyond drunk. He spends the night at the offices of Finley and Figg, partners at a boutique law firm. Calling it boutique and firm would be a stretch, and calling Finley and Figg laywers an even greater one. These are two past-middle-age lawyers who make their money by handling quickie divorces, DUIs charges, and have a dog's keen ear-sight, shall we call it, for car wrecks. This is where David Zinc, the bright, young, and now burned-out lawyer, decides to work at. While Figg (Wally) pokes around and dscovers a retirement-rich pot of gold jackpot waiting in the form of a cholesterol-reducing drug that may have been causing heart-attacks, David gets involved in trying to get justice for the undocumented immigrant parents of a now mentally-handicapped child, who got exposed to chemicals in the paint on a toy.
That, in a nutshell, is the plot of the book. The book is replete with hilarious send-offs of almost everyone in the book - lawyers mostly. The plot is not too complicated or multi-layered to make it a heavy read. The characters are mostly, and transparently so, transparent, shall we say, and in one case, we can see the train wreck coming from a mile away.
Kindle Excerpt:
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